Sister Margaret’s custom-made knee replacement at The Weymouth Street Hospital
Custom-made knee replacement surgery at The Weymouth Street Hospital
I first started having knee pain over 6 years ago, and it was suggested then I have a replacement. I chose to work around the pain until a year ago, when the knee gave completely and I had sharp pain. This became increasingly restrictive making stairs, walking and sleeping very difficult. I am otherwise healthy and mentally alert- CEO of a Group of National Charities with many extra commitments and involvements. It was becoming more and more impossible and I was totally reliant on the car. Autumn-time last year I decided it was the time to do something about it, and I made an appointment to see Mr. McDermott, who confirmed a total knee replacement was the answer.
I am nearly a month post-op now, and feel satisfied with my recovery. Since the second day home I have walked unaided with full weight bearing. I have been shopping and totally independent. I can go upstairs normally and in the last week can also go downstairs normally. I am still working on flexibility and beginning to have less night aching. From the end of the first week I have only taken paracetamol and one ibubrufen daily. I have used the Game Ready ice machine, which I have found to be most helpful, reducing swelling and bruising in a very timely manner. I am also having twice weekly physio which is most helpful.
I feel very fortunate to have found Mr. McDermott. From the outset I appreciated his clear communication, giving me plenty of information on which to base my decision to go ahead with surgery. While compassionate and caring he never made light of the seriousness of the surgery and the hard work after surgery. He suggested The Weymouth Street Hospital for the operation, and I am very happy with that choice. I have had reason to use private healthcare in the past, particularly during my residence in France, when using a British hospital excluded the possibility of the NHS. I have never had the experience I had in The Weymouth Street Hospital. The facility was homely and ideal. But my biggest appreciation, apart from Mr. McDermott, was the caring and attentive staff, both day and night nurses. The food was also excellent, and I would highly recommend it.
18th July 2022